Mango Mezcalrita: You NEED to try this Cocktail

Mango Mezcalrita: You NEED to try this Cocktail

I am not the biggest fan of mezcal. I don’t know, maybe it’s because I do not like chewing on cigars. In other words, the smokiness can be overbearing for me. This is the same way I feel about scotch. However, pair that mezcal with a mango and you might have something there. The sweetness really balances out the smokiness making the mango mezcalrita the perfect answer to a hot day. Plus, it’s a nice and surprising twist on the usual margarita.

If you are not familiar with mezcal, it is a spirit similar to tequila. In fact, both are made from the agave plant and technically tequila is a type of mezcal. However, tequila is only made from blue agave while mezcal can be made from any heart of the agave plant, not just blue ones. Sometimes, the heart is roasted which can give mezcal that smoky flavor and perfect for pairing with mango in this mezcalrita.

Enjoy, but be warned! This cocktail packs a punch!

Serves 2

Tools needed:

Get that blender ready!


1 mango, seeded and peeled

1/2 cup of ice

6 counts of mezcal

3 counts of Cointreau or triple sec

Juice of 1 lime


  1. My drink recipes are so simple. Do I even need to write this? Well just in case, put everything in the blender and blend it. Pour into your glass of choice and enjoy 🙂

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