Teta’s Secret to the Best Scrambled Eggs

Teta’s Secret to the Best Scrambled Eggs

My grandmother, or Teta as we called her, loved to cook and it was the way she would welcome people into her home. She would have an amazing spread of all of your favorite foods waiting for you. Depending on the time of day, she might bake some ravioli for me. But if I was visiting in the morning, she would make me and my brother the best scrambled eggs.

We liked them softly scrambled, so not too well done, and her secret to making them super fluffy and delicious is simple; some yogurt and a whisk. Many people use milk or cream in their scrambled eggs, but I am here to tell you that you have got try yogurt. Sour cream works well too, but the yogurt doesn’t add the same tanginess that the sour cream does.

You’ll want to fold in the yogurt the same way you would if using milk. Crack the eggs into a mixing bowl with high sides, add that dollop of yogurt and whisk the heck out of it until you have some bubbles forming and the eggs are well combined. Those air bubbles will deliver fluffiness to your breakfast and make your version the best scrambled eggs.

Serves 3, but could easily be doubled. Consider 2 eggs per person.


6 eggs

1 tablespoon yogurt

2 tablespoons butter

1 teaspoon salt

1/2 teaspoon pepper


  1. Combine all ingredients except for the butter into a mixing bowl with high sides. Whisk to combine all ingredients. You will whisk for a bit longer than you expect to; probably like 2 minutes for the eggs to be beaten and you will see air bubbles. This will make your scrambled eggs good and fluffy.
  2. Meanwhile, heat the butter over medium heat. Once it is melted, add the egg mixture and give it 30 seconds to a minute to begin to set around the edges. Begin to push the mixture across the pan, essentially moving the cooked eggs to make way for the uncooked parts. This should happen quickly for a soft scramble. You should have the desired done-ness in about 3 minutes tops and it will be ready to eat!

If you like my Teta’s scrambled eggs, try a version of her nargesi! And now that you have the secret to scrambled eggs, try the omelet that will eat all omelets.

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