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Dad’s Secret to the Best Cocktails

Dad’s Secret to the Best Cocktails

My dad is not a fancy dude and he is very frugal. I wouldn’t call him a cheapskate, but he is an accountant and if it don’t make dollars, it don’t make sense. Growing up, we never had one of those “fancy” fridges that dispensed ice. We had a white, top freezer, “oh, not a white refrigerator, girl” type of fridge. So when it was martini time, you know he had to improvise. And the improvisation is simply put, genius for this simple hand cracked ice. 

Cracked or crushed ice is necessary for many applications. Of course the martini, but other cocktails benefit from crushed ice too. Such as any mule, mint juleps, or even a whisky on the rocks if you are looking for a version that gets a bit more watered down as you drink it. Try this trick for hand cracked ice the next time you are making cocktails.

Hand Cracked Ice


Your courageous hands



Ice, from an ice cube tray, from a white refrigerator


  1. This should go without saying, but wash ya damn hands.
  2. Next, place that recantagular ice cube in the center of your palm and say a quick prayer. We all know ice is cold.
  3. Grab that tablespoon and wind up that arm like this is your world series.
  4. Smack that ice cube directly in the center and voila, you have hand cracked ice. 

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